Taking a Moment

Now that things are getting back to normal, to the day-to-day habits, I can say I am happy that some prep work is over, that big events have been a success. Yet, before truly getting back in my routine, I can truly feel the exhaustion coming out. I felt it, right before the big D-days.…Read more Taking a Moment

It Snowed, It Snowed…

Very few people will go out today, considering the snow accumulation that fell during the  past 12 hours. I would not consider it a snowstorm though, since as I was younger, I remember seen much more snow. However, the streets previously had thick ice here and there, without mentioning potholes... well dinosaurs' crevasses. I attempted…Read more It Snowed, It Snowed…

A ‘Relaxation’ Moment

This weekend goes so fast. I did not have much planned, yet I still feel tired. Even after doing not so much. It is hard to unwind completely when things are coming up. It is probably one of the major periods of the year where everything seems to become urgent, yet the important, aka sleep…Read more A ‘Relaxation’ Moment