Crazy Spring

As we are now into the premises of the new season, it seems somewhat strange to see a battle run by winter storms when, in fact, we should probably head towards rain showers… Anyhow, despite the climate, I choose to look out for blooming flowers, eager to show their lovely colours. And this metaphor could…Read more Crazy Spring


I cannot believe it’s already been 10 years I started blogging. Ten years ago, I decided to jump into this writing mode. I felt it was time for me to express myself more, and share my thoughts with others. And today, it is still the case. I even have dreams of actually writing and publishing…Read more 10 YEARS BLOGGING


Depending on the thoughts we have about ourselves, it might affect our entire perception and performance. Whether it be positive or negative, it does weigh in the balance. Even I sometimes find myself thinking badly and causing myself some sort of discomfort. It can truly impact my emotions. Yet, I keep on going, giving myself…Read more Perception

Haven’t We Remembered?

Remembrance Day is around the corner, and it does not seem like we do recall properly what happened in the past. Do we suffer from amnesia or what? I wonder. Anyhow, I would not want to be a political leader nowadays. Too much pressure coming from all sides, no true voice raising above the mass…Read more Haven’t We Remembered?